Friday, July 3, 2009

274 messages, 127 unread

...that's what's awaiting me in a little folder I have labelled "Deal With Later".

Even those with basic maths skills (and even without the aid of a calculator in this day and age!) can see that though I may appear to have 'read' more than half of the emails in the aforementioned folder, there's a fair whack of cyber stuff I am seriously procrastinating Dealing With (I've put off even looking at it, for crying out loud)!

So what sort of things am I planning to Deal With Later?

Oh, you know, the usual online catalogues, internet surveys, and you-beaut special offers, but mostly news articles about the chronic condition that around 1 in 250 Aussie kids live with on a daily basis.

I run a support group which has recently been accused of providing "too much" support by way of information about the disease and its treatment; and therefore "scaring" people!

To me, Information is Power. Sometimes, what you do know can't hurt you.

But to some it's somewhere in the "I don't wanna know" category (kinda like the fact that during the course of our life, each of us will inadvertently swallow 3 spiders whilst sleeping- Yum).

And so, with all the extra stresses surrounding our little family castle in recent months, I have had to pull up the drawbridge and leave others to raise their own shields against the onslaught of the unknown.

(Speaking metaphorically, you realise, 'cause if we had the kind of money to actually own a piece of valuable property like a castle, a lot of the recent extra stresses would become redundant. Mind you, I doubt that too many of the landed gentry in days of yore had access to the internet either, so never had to face this very predicament. *chuckles*)

I will Deal With it, of course. I have found that running and hiding is not my forté (for starters, I run like a girl- a very uncoordinated girl with no sense of direction- and either my boobs or my butt make it difficult to secret my entire body away at any given time). And so I will proof read and post any information that I think is relevant to those people who have come to rely on the support group, especially those who like to take control of the condition. I've just had to put it off until I could Deal With it.

Oddly enough, while they say "tomorrow never comes", I find Later is always lurking nearby.

And when it comes to email, nothing except a computer crash is gonna cut that pile down for me. But then you run the gauntlet of losing everything else too. (Oh yeah, had that happen and wasn't that a laugh?!)

Oh crap, my Inbox icon just lit up to say there's more mail arrived from the newsgroups.

Looks like Later got here a lot sooner than I planned. *sighs*

Well, nighty night, sleep tight, don't eat too many spiders tonight.


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